- Name : noxCTF 2018
- Website :
- Type : Online
- Format : Jeopardy
- CTF Time : link
573 - Blind Date - Misc
My mom got me a date with someone! she sent me an image but i cannot open it. I don’t want it to be a blind date. Can you help me?
By inspecting the data of the file with xxd
we notice that the bytes are scrambled.
After taking a look at the JPEG File Interchange Format we can quickly see how the bytes have been scrambled. Link
The file should start with the bytes FF D8 FF E0
then comes a 2 byte value which holds the segment length.
Next comes the JFIF Identifier 4A 46 49 46 00
We notice that they just took blocks of 4 bytes and reversed them.
f = open('BlindDate.jpeg', "rb")
s =
data = ''
for i in range(0,len(s),4):
data += s[i:i+4][::-1]
nf = open('blind.jpeg','wb')
This script will write the restored image to blind.jpeg
Strings reveals that there is some data at the end of the image:
A base64 string:
and it decodes to:
.. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . ..
. . . . . . . .
.. .. . .. . .
The text is braille and translates to F4C3P4LM
Next we extract a zip archive with binwalk. We can unzip the archive with the password F4C3P4LM
and receive a file called flag.txt
This file contains brainfuck code and running it prints the final flag.
The flag is: noxCTF{W0uld_y0u_bl1nd_d4t3_4_bl1nd_d4t3?}
452 - Read Between The Lines - Misc
The file is a gzip compressed archive.
$ file message.code
message.code: gzip compressed data, was "message", last modified: Fri Jul 20 12:53:57 2018, from Unix
$ mv message.code message.code.gz
$ gzip -d message.code.gz
The jsfuck inside the file is just giving us a nope
but there are some characters after that which seem interesting.
Remove all the jsfuck stuff and only keep the rest.
The bytes are spaces 0x20
, tabs 0x09
and newlines 0x0a
There is an esoteric programming language called whitespace
Here is a cool website with an interpreter.
The flag is: noxCTF{DaFuckIsWHITESPACE}
573 - Marcode - Misc
Marcode (Mr. Code in Hebrew), Ineed your help! I got a movie but I cant see it. It hypnotizes me. please help me! yours, Gveretcode (Mrs. Code in Hebrew)
P.S. change NOXCTF to noxCTF.
We get a video which is flashing images of QR Codes.
First I used ffmpeg to extract all the frames from the video:
ffmpeg -i Marcode.mp4 -r 25 -f image2 frames/frame-%04d.png
This script will decode every QR Code and print the data.
from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode
from PIL import Image
import sys
for i in range(1,3490):
print decode('frames/frame-'+str(i).zfill(4)+'.png'))[0].data
$ python >> links.txt
$ awk '!x[$0]++' links.txt > unique_links.txt
I extracted all the unique google drive links and we will see they are the 26 letters of the alphabet + _
and ?
from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode
from PIL import Image
import sys
links = open('unique_links.txt').read().split('\n')
solution = ''
for i in range(1,3491):
l = decode('frames/frame-'+str(i).zfill(4)+'.png'))[0].data
for x in range(len(links)):
if l == links[x]:
solution += text[x]
print solution
Next I mapped the letters to the links and decoded every QR Code again to check them against the links and then create a text.
This text is a segment from the Harry Potter books and to find the flag we have to read through it. We will notice that some characters are out of place, the first one is here A_FEW_YNARDS_APART
Read through it and find all out of place characters.
The final flag is: noxCTF{AVADAKEDAVRA}